My Recent Experience With a Flushing Porta Potty
I have been camping for many years, and have recently discovered the flushing porta potty to make out camping experiences much more pleasant. Portable toilets have been around for a long time, but the new breed of portable toilets have really come of age, and the design, functionality, and most of all, price, have all improved greatly in recent times.
I am a big fan of heading out on the weekend, driving to a location we’ve never been to, and setting up camp. The problem is that the kids are getting to the age that they are not happy just squatting behind a tree to do their business, and it was beginning to get a little tiring having to listen to the arguments.
I went online and bought a Thetford 265 porta potti for around $130 USD. It arrived in a couple of days and I was amazed at how …
My Recent Experience With a Flushing Porta Potty READ MORE